Work values of self-employment and organization employment

Work values of self-employment and organization employment

Strebkov D.O.

Сand. Sci.(Soc.), Senior Research Fellow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia

Shevchuk A.V.

Сand. Sci.(Econ.), Senior Research Fellow, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia

ID of the Article: 6518

For citation:

Strebkov D.O., Shevchuk A.V. Work values of self-employment and organization employment. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 1. P. 81-93


This study contributes to the debate about “free agent” vs. “organization man” by exploring the work values of freelancers and regular employees. We construct “theoretically representative sample” by using data from two online-surveys conducted at the two leading Russian-Language job-search websites. The first website offers standard office jobs and the second offers jobs for freelancers. First, we compare individual work values of regular employees (N=1599), freelancers (N=2011) and moonlighters (N=2610), who combine freelancing with regular jobs. Second, using principal component analysis we explore the structure of work values. Third, using multinomial logistic regression we test the association between work values and employment statuses. We found that freelancers and employees have distinct sets of work values, while the values of moonlighters are transitional. Freelancers seek job that meets one’s abilities, provides intrinsic rewards and allows for comfort working conditions to balance work and life, while employees prefer income, security and social recognition.

work values; self-employment; freelancers; moonlighters; employees; nonstandard employment; flexible employment; career; online-survey


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Content No 1, 2017