Russia still has a chance to become a developed country. What can be taken from the experience of China?

Russia still has a chance to become a developed country. What can be taken from the experience of China?

Kiva A.V.

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Chief Scientific Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6608

For citation:

Kiva A.V. Russia still has a chance to become a developed country. What can be taken from the experience of China?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 3. P. 134-143


A. V. Kiva in his article discusses the main causes of current crisis of the Russian economy. According to him, it has roots in the early 1990s, when a young and inexperienced team of reformers began the implementation of not their own, but created in the Washington Institute for International Economics reform model. It is based on neo-liberal theory, the main tenet of which is the maxima: the market itself will put everything in place. Transition of directive-planned economy, virtually closed to foreign competition, needed a model of state regulation. But on coincidence of circumstances the situation in Russia is so that economic bloc in the government is still led by supporters of the neoliberal school. They also develop a medium term program of socio-economic development after 2018. A. Kiva supposes that the implementation of a well thought out neo-liberal project, perhaps, could lead the economy out of the crisis, but it is powerless to provide a breakthrough to a new quality. This requires mobilization project, and the approaches closest to it are suggested by scientists of Russian Academy of Sciences. A. Kiva considers it necessary to use in the preparation of a new model the experience of China. The most important components of its rapid growth he sees in the creation of a competitive environment not only in the economy but also in politics.

J. A. Schumpeter; W. Leontief; R. A. Mundell; J. Ross, V. Neveikin


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Content No 3, 2017