About the material and financial provision of health system

About the material and financial provision of health system

Vasiliev V.P.

Сand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Head of Sociology Department of Public Administration Sociological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia gos.ypravlenie@mail.ru

ID of the Article: 6610

For citation:

Vasiliev V.P. About the material and financial provision of health system. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 3. P. 150-154


The article examines the value aspects of the health care system, compares modern social practices and institutions of regulation from the point of view of realizing of human needs. Characteristic feature of the health sector is determinism of its development as a field of social and human capital formation. From this perspective author identifies negative phenomena of health to be overcome in developing the strategic planning system. The principles of humanism, compassion, justice, proclaimed and enshrined in social norms, often cannot be asserted and implemented in social practices. The paper systematizes the weaknesses of the work of authorities and the system of compulsory medical insurance. Not always are taken into account social characteristics of diseased populations. Financial optimization, minimization of the standards of programs of state guarantees in the field of health violate the principle of complex diagnostics and treatment of humans. Special attention is paid to the manifestation of inequality in this sphere, to current and future contradictions caused by social differentiation. The author suggests measures to change the financing mechanism of the healthcare system. The question is raised about the need to adjust the control functions of the state for the system.

healthcare system; institutional regulation; material and financial provision


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Content No 3, 2017