The idea of neurosociology in contemрorary social thought

The idea of neurosociology in contemрorary social thought

Bazhanov V.A.

Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Ulyanovsk State University, Head of Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science Chairperson, Leading Researcher, Tomsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia

ID of the Article: 6643

For citation:

Bazhanov V.A. The idea of neurosociology in contemрorary social thought. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 4. P. 27-33


The paper has the goal to argument that the intensive development during last decades of cognitive researches and neuroscience (especially historico-cultural neuroscience) resulted in the formation of neurosociology. Neurosociology as a branch of social science in fact follows the Kantian research program in its progressive mode. This means that the analysis of the mechanisms of development and features of different societies and socio-cultural structures under certain conditions should necessary consider the profound and direct impact (and/or correlation with) of certain neural structures traits, which in their turn are transformed according to the socio-cultural features of various societies and certain culturally autonomous social groups. Thus, due to the spirit (but not the letter) of the Kantian a priori idea social cognition to a certain extent depends of preset features (ontogenetic and/or formed by the current activity) retrofit neurobiological structures. This tendency reflects once again emerging naturalistic approach in contemporary social thought. We introduce the notion of social psychologism, which summarizes the cognitive aspects defined by epigenetic features of certain social communities.

neuroscience; neurosociology; research program; individualist and collectivist society; tightness and loosely organized societies


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