Police and society. To be or not to be social partnership?

Police and society. To be or not to be social partnership?

Mayorov V.I.

Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia 955715@rambler.ru

Dunayeva O.N.

Research Fellow, South Ural State University, National Research University, Chelyabinsk, Russia dunaevaon@gmail.com

ID of the Article: 6645

For citation:

Mayorov V.I., Dunayeva O.N. Police and society. To be or not to be social partnership?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 4. P. 43-51


The article describes the actual problems of effective police institution building corresponding to requirements of the modern society. Main goal of police is protecting society against illegal infringement and safety ensuring of every citizen. In this regard public assessment is considered one of its main criteria. A high level of public confidence in the police will identify effectiveness of its work. There are two models in the implementation of police functions in the world practice. “The crisis model” of policing implements the repressive approach. “Model of social partnership” in policing realizes cooperation and understanding. The article reviews the history of progressive transition to “a social partnership models” in the advanced countries (USA, EU, Japan). Russia has implemented administrative reform aimed at improving police efficiency since 2011. Public opinion monitoring operates and reflects the level of public satisfaction with the police activity. Major independent sociological centers are engaged in “social audit”. The level of human protection from criminal attacks and the level of confidence in the police are main indicators of police effectiveness. Analysis of the sociological research results (2011–2015) shows moderate dynamics of growth of the confidence in the police and protection of citizens from criminal attacks. Social stereotypes which influence the credibility and image of the police are analyzed. The reasons that slow-down the process of police transition to a process of active preventive effect on crime are analyzed. It also focuses on the lack of legal culture of Russians reflected in the collective consciousness and mentality. Disrespectful attitude to law is implemented in offences. Socio-psychological aspects of corruption and its impact on the citizens’ legal awareness are considered. Analysis of the status and prospects of social partnership between the police and the population in Russia is considered in the context of “community policing” concept and “problem oriented policing” approach. This makes it possible to determine direction, mechanisms and ways of this social process intensification. The authors believe that the legal integration of the society in individual, group and ethnic mentality is the most promising way to control social processes and to successfully implement the concept of social partnership.

civil society; administrative reform; public monitoring; social partnership; police image; “community policing”; “problem-oriented approach of the police”


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Content No 4, 2017