Young people migratory behaviour in Irkutsk region

Young people migratory behaviour in Irkutsk region

Goltsova E.V.

Сand. Sci. (Philos.), Assoc. Prof., Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

ID of the Article: 6691

For citation:

Goltsova E.V. Young people migratory behaviour in Irkutsk region. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 5. P. 103-109


The demographic situation in the Eastern regions of Russia depends on the population migratory behaviour that has a complex determination mechanism. The article investigates the migratory behaviour of youth from the position of ecological approach proposed by the author. The study aims to identify factors motivating migratory behaviour of youth in the social environment of Irkutsk region today. The article analyzes the migration trends and demographic situation in the region, provides comprehensive data on the migratory behavior of young people belonging to different status categories: migrants, non-migrants and potential migrants. Through questionnaire survey there were revealed the migration attitudes of young people due to individual needs and factors of the social environment. It is found out that 36.4% of young people feel like leaving the region in the near future. The models of individual migratory behaviour are associated with exogenous and endogenous factors of the social environment that determine the migratory behaviour of the youth in the Irkutsk region. The exogenous factors are the main components of the social environment: residential, economical, occupational, educational, juridical, informational, spatial, cultural, moral, political and recreational. They may have a motivating as well as a demotivating effect on the migratory behaviour of young people. The endogenous factors of the migratory behavior are sex, age, education, occupational status of the respondents and place of birth. The study concludes that the main reasons for youth migration are getting the work, getting education, family and marriage plans. Most of the respondents who are going to leave the region in order to get the education did not intend to come back after graduation. There are contradictions between the quality of regional social environment components and the needs of youth. These contradictions objectively worsen the quality of life and contribute to the increase in potential youth out-migration.

migration; young people migratory behaviour; socioenvironmental factors; human needs; motivation


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Content No 5, 2017