Social selection and anthropological component of the theory of updating and circulation of elite of V. Pareto

Social selection and anthropological component of the theory of updating and circulation of elite of V. Pareto

Zotov A.A.

Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology FCTAS of the Russia Academy of Sciences, Editor of journal “Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya” (Sociological studies), Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6695

For citation:

Zotov A.A. Social selection and anthropological component of the theory of updating and circulation of elite of V. Pareto. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 5. P. 136-140


The idea of the early social anthropologists (the last decade of the nineteenth century) are of interest in the aspect of Pareto is attempts to identify and trace the regularities of formation of the elites. The theory updates circulation of elites in earlier versions cited in the introduction and Chapter IX of the book «Socialist system». Parallels with the research of social anthropologists and criminologists (O. Ammon, Ferri, J. V. de Lapouge) are obuious including consideration of economic stratification (the study of the forms of income distribution), of biology (the theory of natural selection) and analysis of mechanisms to protect society from elements that seek to destroy or disrupt it. The process of formation of elites is seen as the result of the action in society of partly natural, partly artificial selection. Pareto considered as equally detrimental complete absence of manifestations of altruistic feelings, manifested in the humane relation to others, in social protection for the poor and weak, and emotion of humanity, if they take the form of lenient and conciliatory attitude to the criminal and disruptive elements.

biological evolution; natural selection; social anthropology; mutual assistance; forming of elite; social Darwinism


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Content No 5, 2017