Critique of integration model in the research works of Russian migrants in Germany. Russian-speaking groups case study

Critique of integration model in the research works of Russian migrants in Germany. Russian-speaking groups case study

Popkov V.D.

Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Ph D., Director, Institute of Social Research Works and Analytics, Kaluga, Russia v‑

ID of the Article: 6784

For citation:

Popkov V.D. Critique of integration model in the research works of Russian migrants in Germany. Russian-speaking groups case study. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 7. P. 67-76


The article attempts to critically review the discussions on migrant adaptation into the receiving society. Such a critical approach dominates in research of migrant communities in Germany. The article considers several questionable points of integration approach in terms of migrant adaptation into the society of new settlement. In case of Russian-speaking community the article describes tendencies of such discussions and presents some conclusions. It reconsiders integration research approach regarding the existence of possibilities among today’s migrants to form trans-national networks and conscientiously minimize their participation in the life of the society of new settlement. It also assumes that integration paradigm in current research in Germany in the case of making migrant societies trans-national and under the conditions of globalization is no longer efficient to explain the ways of how migrants come into the receiving society. The author draws a conclusion that the main challenge to the German society is not integration in its classical understanding but the attraction of cultural practices of the receiving society. It is these cultural practices, meanings, orientations, ways of thinking and of understanding reality, and not economical preferences, ethnicity, citizenship or political preferences that have become of prime importance. Meanwhile the receiving society should retain not only its own original and (relatively) common cultural practices, but also their further transmitting to all participants of the migrant communities.

migration; integration; assimilation; Russian-speaking; Germany


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Content No 7, 2017