Family and parenting in the light of the students views
Bagirova A.P.
Cand. Sci (Sociol.), Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Shubat O.M.
Cand. Sci (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Bagirova A.P., Shubat O.M. Family and parenting in the light of the students views. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 7. P. 126-131
The paper presents the results of research into Russian female university students’ ideas about family and parenthood. These perceptions have a projective character, but at the same time have the potential to generate contours of demographic future of the country. Survey data show that the concept of parenthood has a complex nature: the young women see both advantages and disadvantages to having children. At the same time children are the dominant of the family image that has fallen into place in the female students’ minds. The research shows that there is a deep-seated belief that raising children is filled with usefulness. It enables fulfilling needs that were established in the past, obtain emotional advantages in the present and expect financial benefits in the future. We identified differentiation in views on parenthood and family based on the year of study that the female students were in. Young women in the final years of their degrees have a clearer understanding of the challenges that come with being a parent. At the same time, they also have a greater appreciation of the possible benefits and advantages that parenthood brings. The paper presents arguments in support of time at university being the optimal period for targeting young people’s ideas about family, establishing both reproductive intentions and overall parenting intentions. Education focused on fostering reproductive behaviour that is integrated into the schooling and university system, is suggested as the proposed instrument of such influence.
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