Sociological investigations of creativity and the concept of creative society

Sociological investigations of creativity and the concept of creative society

Kacerauskas T.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Head of Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Creative Industries, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

ID of the Article: 6889

For citation:

Kacerauskas T. Sociological investigations of creativity and the concept of creative society. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 10. P. 26-35


The paper deals with the sociological approaches towards creativity in the contexts of psychology, pedagogy, economy, and management, as well of regional and urban studies. Sociology faces the questions of creativity in the levels as follows: 1) being based on certain sociological theories, 2) analysing the sociological environment of creativity, 3) applying the quantitative sociological methods, and 4) searching for empirical methods of creativity. The author presents the concept of creative society and compares it with the concept of knowledge society. Every empirical index of creativity presupposes the methodological difficulties that make doubtful the empirical approach towards creativity in general. The indices refer to the area beyond empirical sphere, i.e. to historical consciousness, worldview, tradition etc.

creative society; creative class; sociology of creativity; empirical indices


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Content No 10, 2017