Role community in modern Russia

Role community in modern Russia

Savchenko T.N.

Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Leading researcher, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Teslavskaia(Olkina) O.I.

Post-graduate student, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6942

For citation:

Savchenko T.N., Teslavskaia(Olkina) O.I. Role community in modern Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 11. P. 140-146


The findings of online sociologic survey (2015–2016) among members of the LARP subculture (N = 290) are presented. The analysis of basic demographical data and its dynamics (2002–2011–2016) shows that the LARP movement is becoming increasingly popular with elder Russians (after 30), most of whom are representatives of brainpower, creative and business social classes. The stability and consistency of LARP subculture all over its history has also been found – 21% of respondents have been members of the LARP movement for more than 15 years, with total 3 out of 4 surveyed persons more than 5 years’ being a LARP members. Two key events unify all LARP members – ‘great’ games providing a continuous event-driven fullness of the LARP movement life for its ‘major’ members, and festivals of fantastic and RPGs, which function refers to as presenting the subculture’s activities to the outer society. In addition to it, LARP members participate in ‘minor’, board (e. g. D&D, etc.) and videogames; as well as in the role modeling – dances, costume plays, staging battles, jousts, quests etc. LARP members perceive their participation in these activities and events as hobby, and also are attracted by the opportunity to realize their escapist intentions to submerge into subjectively alternative reality for changing their self-image from real one to game. 2 out of 3 LARP members feel positive changes in their lives after participating in these kinds of games. Generally, despite the active development of MMORPG online communities, the LARP movement is well-incorporated into nowadays Russian social landscape, and has not lost its relevance.

LARP movement; LARP subculture; LARP community; LARP players; live action role-playing games; LAPR convents; festivals of fantastic; role-playing technology; internet survey; online survey


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Content No 11, 2017