Professional career in science and technology: on sustainability problem

Professional career in science and technology:
on sustainability problem

Popova I.P.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Leading Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS; National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6979

For citation:

Popova I.P. Professional career in science and technology: on sustainability problem. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 12. P. 124-134


The article is devoted to the professional career in the field of science and technology in terms of changes in its models and influence of factors of social context. This article reviews the ideas and principles of sustainable development, oriented to long-term and humanistic goals, in conjunction with interdisciplinary approaches to the study of careers. It is shown that measurement of career associated with the understanding of coherence and duration in time of the relation (character continuity) of these periods, depending on the external environment, attainability as a possibility of assessing success and development of professional status. Conclusions in the article relate to methodological approaches to the infrastructure of a professional career at various levels, taking into account the capabilities and limitations and factors influencing the formation of ideas about the stages of a scientific career, the indicators of success, efficiency and achievements. A favourable social context becomes the basic condition for long-term and consistent career as a way of accumulation of knowledge, expertise, resources, social ties and status positions.

career; sustainability; science and technology; infrastructure


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Content No 12, 2017