Interaction of the communities of science's academic segment with the sphere of book culture as societal systemic links

Interaction of the communities of science's academic segment with the sphere of book culture as societal systemic links

Vasiliev V.I.

Chairman, Science Board of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the integrated program of “History of Russian Academy of Sciences”, corresponding member of the RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor

Ermolaeva M.A.

Bakun D.N.

ID of the Article: 6980

For citation:

Vasiliev V.I., Ermolaeva M.A., Bakun D.N. Interaction of the communities of science's academic segment with the sphere of book culture as societal systemic links. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 12. P. 135-143


Content No 12, 2017