National consolidation, patriotism, traditionalism as a response of Russia’s society to challenges of time

National consolidation, patriotism, traditionalism as a response of Russia’s society to challenges of time

Selivanova Z.K.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Аssoc. Prof., The National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7114

For citation:

Selivanova Z.K. National consolidation, patriotism, traditionalism as a response of Russia’s society to challenges of time. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 3. P. 161-166


The reviewed collective monograph is devoted to analysis of the status and dynamics of the Russian public consciousness during the period of implementation of market relations. It embraced a three-year mega project (monitoring), implemented by the research team of IS RAS. Important aspects of the Russian society in crisis are discussed: factors of social, economic and political transformation, trust issues, activism, civil identity of Russians, the question of civilizational orientation, etc. The data are demonstrated about the increasing polarization of Russian society in the conditions of the sanctions crisis, the decline in socio-economic welfare of majority of citizens and “inclusion” of family savings. However, it demonstrates that at the same time there is an increased distrust of the West and there is a shift of consciousness, the world of values and vector of civilization development in the direction of Eurasianism, traditionalism, patriotism and national unity. The paper presents evidence that the greatest trust of Russians is related to the President of the country, the army and the Church, significantly lower is trust to representative bodies. However, not quite correctly researched and clearly overestimates is the degree of religiosity of the Russian society. In addition, inaccurately compared are Western society in the extent and forms of activity of citizens based on European standards and the Russian society.

Russian society; mass public consciousness; social dynamics; social monitoring; traditional; liberalism, national identity; civilizational choice; confidence in social institutions
Content No 3, 2018