The changing doctors’ labour motivation in the conditions of effective contract application

The changing doctors’ labour motivation in the conditions of effective contract application

Temnitskiy A.L.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Prof. of the Sociological Department of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO); National Research University Higher School of Economics, Center for Health Policy, Leading Research Fellow, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7144

For citation:

Temnitskiy A.L. The changing doctors’ labour motivation in the conditions of effective contract application. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 4. P. 90-102


In the article the changes of doctors’ labour motivation in time of active effective contract application (2013– 2016) are being examined. The transfer from fixed labour payment to productivity reward is included in this reform. One of the main aims of analysis is a search for optimal proportion between basic and stimulating parts of doctors’ labour remuneration. It was also important to diagnose the target indictors of work, established by effective contract. Special attention was payed to influence of staff reduction and companies merging processes on doctors’ labour motivation. Positive facts of influence on doctors’ motivation at the beginning levels of effective contract application were revealed. They consist of: wage growth and satisfaction with the main sides of doctors’ labour in the situation of effective contract application and also as a result of companies merging process. The process of staff reduction causes bad influence on motivation. It led to doctors’ social wellbeing worsen, worse attitude towards labour and less interest for working better. Uncertainty in employment leads to changing doctors orientation from a chance to earn more to growth of basic part of labour payment. Doctors who receive bonuses for the intensity, quality and performance, and who have a higher amount of salary wish to see the share of fixed part of salary higher than it is now available. This is a clear indication of orientation of this profession to strengthening the protective function of the salary rather than to use increased opportunities for earning money.

effective contract; labour motivation; basic and stimulating parts of labour payment; staff reduction; companies merging; doctors


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Content No 4, 2018