Sociocultural Adaptation of Foreign Cadets in Russian Military Universities

Sociocultural Adaptation of Foreign Cadets in Russian Military Universities

Guryanchik V.N.

Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Assoc. Prof., Chair of Humanities and socio-economic disciplines, Yaroslavl higher military school of air defense, Yaroslavl, Russia.

Makeeva T.V.

Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Chair of social pedagogics and youth work organization, Yaroslavl state pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky; Lecturer of the chair of Humanities and socio-economic disciplines, Yaroslavl higher military school of air defense, Yaroslavl, Russia.

ID of the Article: 7428

For citation:

Guryanchik V.N., Makeeva T.V. Sociocultural Adaptation of Foreign Cadets in Russian Military Universities. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 11. P. 124-133


The article deals with the actualization of the problem of educational migration in the Russian society. The main problems arising among educational migrants (foreign military specialists) in the process of adaptation to new sociocultural realities are analyzed. First of all, these are language barriers; lack of knowledge about the host country; psychophysiological difficulties associated with climate change, nutrition; low level of awareness about the political, economic and sociocultural life of Russia, about the norms, customs, traditions and culture of the people; the lack of ethnic tolerance among different national groups (critical views of some national groups against others) and others. In the focus of the authors’ attention is the specificity of the formation of value attitudes of foreign educational migrants in a military educational institution, depending on the country of residence, language features, mentality. Special attention in military universities is paid to educational work with foreign educational migrants. Well-planned extracurricular activities, as well as study of the disciplines of humanitarian and socio-economic cycles permit to form a system of value-ideological attitudes that allow you to successfully adapt to new socio-cultural realities. In addition, supporting the education by young people in host country is the most effective way to influence the formation of the future military, political and economic elite in other countries, to learn the traditions and customs of the country, to reconsider life values and attitudes to Russia. Foreign educational migrants are not only a source of financial gain, but also «agents of influence», who, returning home, replenish the national elite and remain loyal to the countries where they spent their student years. During the years of stay in Russia students migrants change stereotypes of Russian culture, politics, social life.

socio-cultural adaptation; foreign educational migrants; educational migrants; foreign military specialists; cadets; military University


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Content No 11, 2018