Criminal Anomie as a Social Problem
Kuzmenkov V.A.
Cand. Sci. (Philos.), lecturer of the social and philosophical disciplines chair, Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.V. Lukyanov, Orel, Russia
Kuzmenkov V.A. Criminal Anomie as a Social Problem. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 1. P. 96-105
The article is devoted to the «criminal anomie» conceptualization. Anomic crime is widespread in modern Russia. In Western sociology the anomical premise of crime has long been studied. The author describes a number of conditions that facilitate the growth or reduction of crimes in order to determine which social preconditions have the greatest impact on the growth of illegal behavior. To verify these conditions, he refers to the analysis of official statistics on crime, divorce, suicide, poverty, etc. for each region of the country. Descriptive statistics made it possible to show that Russia is characterized by high rates of anomie. Anomie in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts is much higher then in the European territory of the country. Correlation analysis indicates the growth of crime in the spread of unemployment, divorce, as well as alcoholism and drug addiction of the population. Crime reduces with favorable environmental conditions. The high number of policemen does not reduce crime. Cluster analysis allowed to obtain typology of subjects of the country in terms of indicators of anomic crime. Six clusters are distinguished: the first (30 regions) is characterized by anomie growth, the second (8 regions) is characterized by the highest anomia indicators, the third (36 subjects) is relatively prosperous, the fourth (2 subjects) includes Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fifth (7 regions) embraces republics of the North Caucasus, the sixth (2 subjects) includes unfavorable the Magadan and Chukotka Regions. Cluster analysis showed that one cannot talk about common factors of crime in different regions of the country. To identify the criminogenic factors, a regression analysis was carried out, revealing a number of factors of anomic crime: an increase in the number of unemployed; urbanization; alcoholization of the population; the spread of drug addiction; degradation of the ecological situation; inflow of migrants.
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