Professional Identity of Craft Teachers in the Field of Informal Education in St. Petersburg

Professional Identity of Craft Teachers in the Field of Informal Education in St. Petersburg

Balatsyuk E.S.

Research Assistant, Centre for Youth Studies HSE University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Gladchenko E.A.

Research Assistant, Centre for Youth Studies HSE University, St. Petersburg, Russia

ID of the Article: 9038

This research paper uses the results of the project within the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) in 2020. We express our deep appreciation and gratitude to our colleagues from the Centre for Youth Studies and young craft entrepreneurs who took part in this research

For citation:

Balatsyuk E.S., Gladchenko E.A. Professional Identity of Craft Teachers in the Field of Informal Education in St. Petersburg. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 3. P. 74-82


Making craft products is one of the areas of the modern creative industry, within which new professional identities can be built. The masters of crafts, who provide educational services in the field of non-formal education, are one example of this process. Thus, they take on a new professional identity – that of teachers. The study focuses on the analysis of the ways craft masters construct this professional identity. The analysis was done on the results of the project “New Craftsmen and New Apprentices in the Craft Economy: Prosumerism as a Phenomenon of Youth Everyday Culture” carried out within the HSE Program of Fundamental Research in 2020. The research result was the identification of five teaching styles that reflect the ideas of craft masters about the professional teacher’s qualities in their field.

craft entrepreneurship; career trajectories; professional identity; professionalization; informal education


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Content No 3, 2022