Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society

Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society

Kurganskaya V.D.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the CS MSHE RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Dunaev V.Yu.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute for Philosophy, Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the CS MSHE RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Sagikyzy A.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the CS MSHE RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

ID of the Article: 9654

The article was prepared as part of the financing of the Committee of Science of the CS MSHE RK – grant BR10965263.

For citation:

Kurganskaya V.D., Dunaev V.Yu., Sagikyzy A. Values and Norms of Political Culture in the Public Consciousness of Kazakhstan Society. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 6. P. 94-100


The article discusses the basic values and norms of the political culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan population on the basis of a sociological survey in the summer, 2022. The purpose of our study is to determine the values and norms in the political culture of the republic population at the present stage of the country’s political modernization. The authors analyze the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the political consciousness of the citizens of the country. Based on the survey results, a conclusion is made about the predominance of parochial and subordinate types of political culture in the mentality of the population of Kazakhstan. The trend of development of participatory political culture elements, despite attempts to implement a program of modernization of public consciousness, is not visible. The main sources of the formation of values and norms of political culture are communicative practices in reference groups, as well as official media.

public opinion; political culture; typological features; values; political modernization


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Content No 6, 2023