Family Factors of Reproductive Behavior

Family Factors of Reproductive Behavior

Gurko T.A.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 9878

For citation:

Gurko T.A. Family Factors of Reproductive Behavior. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 12. P. 72-82


Fluctuations in the birth rate in Russia are associated with both socio-economic and demographic factors. The study of fertility trends in various structural types of families and social groups is important for improving government and corporate family policy. Among the possible factors affecting women’s reproductive plans and the number of children, family status, involvement of fathers, assistance in caring for a child (children) from relatives living separately, assessment of material conditions and prospects for their improvement, and religious identity are considered. Subsamples of women and mothers in the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey – Higher School of Economics (RLMS-HSE, 2004, 2009, 2012 and 2021) and Selective monitoring of reproductive plans of the population (RPN, 2017, 2022) conducted by Federal State Statistics Service were used. The object of the study was women who do not have children yet, mothers with children of any age and those with children under eleven. Subsamples of different age groups were formed depending on the purposes of data analysis. A social group with a relatively stable model of reproductive behavior has been identified – these are women with higher education and women belonging to a professional group of specialists of the highest qualification level. In this group, the smallest decrease in the average number of children per woman was recorded compared with other subgroups allocated according to educational and professional qualification criteria. It is confirmed that the reproductive behavior of women differs depending on their marital status. The distribution of the average number of children in accordance with the marital status of the mother is stable in the time perspective of 2009–2022, the largest average number of children is recorded for mothers who are remarried. Married and cohabiting mothers have similar reproductive intentions. Marriage plans in connection with pregnancy or the birth of a child vary among cohabiting women with different levels of education. Significantly more women with secondary specialized and higher education, compared to those with secondary education, intend to register a marriage in case of pregnancy or the birth of a child. These data are consistent with the previously made conclusion about the tendency to reduce the proportion of citizens with secondary education who are married, in comparison to those with higher education, not only among men, but also among women. It is shown that the amount of time that fathers spend with the child (children) is more important from the point of view of mothers’ reproductive plans than assistance from relatives living separately. Material circumstances are a priority reason for postponing the birth of the first or next child, the importance of government of material support measures of parents is high for mothers. Nevertheless, according to the RPN-2022, there is no statistically significant relationship between the actual housing conditions, the standard of living of the household, the prospects of changing this level in the next three years and women’s reproductive plans. That is, the material factors of childbearing planning have yet to be studied. It can be assumed that the prospect for a well-paid job and obtaining a stable income is important, allowing to meet current needs, including children and self-realization in children.

average number of children; reproductive plans; family status; involvement of fathers; help of relatives; household living level; marriage; cohabitation; education level


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Content No 12, 2023