Problems of Education on the Pages of the SOCIS Magazine

Problems of Education on the Pages of the SOCIS Magazine

Zborovsky G.Е.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Research Professor, Department of Sociology and Technologies of State and Municipal Administration of the Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

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Rubric: Summarizing

For citation:

Zborovsky G.Е. Problems of Education on the Pages of the SOCIS Magazine. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 7. P. 98-111


The article discusses the issues of publication activity of the journal «Socis» on education issues over 50 years of its work. The periodization of the journal’s publishing activities on education issues is proposed. Its four periods are characterized: 1974–1989, 1990–2000, 2001–2010, 2011–2024. The article reveals the growth trend of the journal’s publication activity on education issues over the past half century. The process of formation of the author’s asset on the problems of education, which includes the leading sociologists of the USSR and Russia, is shown. At the first stage, a system of “educational” headings is being formed, the publications of which reflected the constitution of the sociology of education as a branch of knowledge, its interaction with the sciences of education, “ideological” dependence on the position of the party leadership, as well as interest in school and vocational education in the country. The specifics of the publications of the second period, characterized by an interest in higher and sociological education, and in the methodology of studying educational problems, are revealed. The journal articles of the third stage reflect the expansion of research areas of education of different types and levels, as well as the dominance of the problems of higher education and university communities. The specificity of the fourth stage is revealed – an appeal to acute discussions about the fate of Russian education in the context of institutional reforms, social, economic and political challenges, and the connection of education with other subsystems of society.

education; sociology of education; journal headings; sociological education; periodization of publishing and publication activity of the journal; historical and sociological analysis; periodization of the sociology of education


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Content No 7, 2024