Evolution of Migration Research: from the USSR to Modern Russia

Evolution of Migration Research:
from the USSR to Modern Russia

Mokin K.S.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Leading Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia mokin_konstantin@list.ru

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Mokin K.S. Evolution of Migration Research: from the USSR to Modern Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 8. P. 49-60


The article reflects the process of evolution of research approaches to the study of migration from the 1950s to the present. The increasing role of sociological approaches in the study of migration processes is shown. The application of sociological methods in the mid‑1970s significantly expanded the research problems of migration analysis. As a result of this analysis of migration behavior, the reasons for migration and migration attitudes were identified. The process of transit of migration research methodologies in modern Russia from normative‑ economic and statistical approaches in the USSR to modern cross‑ methodological approaches recognized by international research standards is shown. The paper considers the process of institutionalization of the main research groups – subdivisions of the Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, non‑governmental analytical/research centers, state research and expert organizations. It is noted that the main feature of the current stage of research on migration processes in Russia is a greater emphasis on sociological approaches to the study of migration. Special attention is paid to the forms and tools of uniting researchers in scientific discussion platforms in the form of scientific journals, which are in fact the key element that binds the scientific community together.

migration; demography; migration research methods; sociological research; scientific publications


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Content No 8, 2024