Historical experiences of US military sociology

Historical experiences of US military sociology

Karlova E.N.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Researcher of Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin», Voronezh, Russia ekaterina-n-karlova@yandex.ru

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For citation:

Karlova E.N. Historical experiences of US military sociology. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 4. P. 89-96


The article discusses features of the American military-sociological school, main trends of its development that are of interest for Russia in context of its current military reform.

military sociology; institutionalization; defence industry; armed conflict; emancipation
Content No 4, 2014