Discourse of crisis of(in) contemporary sociology

Discourse of crisis of(in) contemporary sociology

Romanovskiy N.V.

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., Russian State University for Humanities, Deputy Head Editor “Sotsiologitcheskie Issledovaniya” journal, Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology of Federal Сenter for Applied and Theoretical research, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia socis@isras.ru

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For citation:

Romanovskiy N.V. Discourse of crisis of(in) contemporary sociology. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 4. P. 3-12


The paper introduces results of an analysis of sociology’s crisis evaluations in recent years. Contemporary crisis of world economy and issues of sociology development serve as framework. Context and contents of ongoing discourse are specified as well as ideas about present and future of sociology expressed in course of debate, of what and how impacts shape developing trends in our discipline. Often what is refered to as crisis by participants of the discourse, reflects in fact efforts to further sociological theories, methodology and methods in order to, if not to achieve a break-through into the future, to develop sociology in its efforts to master the challenges it faces. Crisis discourse is ultimately seen as a means to perceive sociology’s future and it helps us to understand what shape is sociology in now.

crisis; crisis of sociology; crisis of empirical sociology; post-colonial sociology; Russian sociology
Content No 4, 2016