The potential for reducing mortality in Russia
Rybakovsky O.L.
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Head of Social Demography Laboratory, Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Sudoplatova V.S.
Cand. Sci. (Econ.) Junior Researcher, Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Tayunova O.A.
Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Samara State Economic University, Samara, Russia
Rybakovsky O.L., Sudoplatova V.S., Tayunova O.A. The potential for reducing mortality in Russia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 3. P. 29-42
The article attempts to evaluate the current country and regional reserves to reduce mortality in Russia. Identified are potential to reduce mortality in comparison with comparable international benchmarks in growth and the growth of life expectancy at birth. Russia in comparison to developed and emerging countries has a substantial excess in the main causes of death: external causes; in infectious and parasitic diseases; by malignant neoplasms; diseases of the circulatory system; respiratory diseases (except for China); for reasons of digestive diseases (except Mexico). Russian life expectancy of the population may be improved by reducing mortality from all of the above reasons. Range of circumstances, adversely affecting the health situation of the population in the Post-Soviet Russia is still “lost health capital” in the period preceding the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the 1990s. Rated current regional potential to reduce mortality is “hidden” in the differences between the regions leading in terms of life expectancy (except extremes) and all the rest of the country. In conclusion there are the graphs that reveal the life expectancy of men and women.
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