Creative economy: why and how private intellectual property can be limited

Creative economy:
why and how private intellectual property can be limited

Buzgalin A.V.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor of the Faculty of Economics, Director of the Centre for Contemporary Marxist Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow

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For citation:

Buzgalin A.V. Creative economy: why and how private intellectual property can be limited. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 8. P. 20-30


The author shows that the main changes in the modern economy involve transformation of the creative — in its main content — work into a decisive factor for socio-economic progress with corresponding changes in the structure of social reproduction, and the formation of the potentially post-market space of economic relations. The arguments are compared which favor priority development of the private and universal intellectual property (the ownership of each for all). The author offfers his reflections about necessity and possibility for differentiating and interacting of two subspaces of creative economy sector: a) predominantly non-profit production of public goods, belonging to everyone, and d) commercial sphere based on the intellectual private property. The analysis proceeds from the assumption that we just socialize (reform) much, but do not change qualitatively the now dominant capitalist market relations.

creative economy; creatosphere; public goods; the ownership by everybody of everything; private intellectual property; reform; late capitalism


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Content No 8, 2017