Academic Discourse of the Sociological Studies in the Texts by Its Former Head Editor

Academic Discourse of the Sociological Studies in the Texts by Its Former Head Editor

Tepavčević M.

Assist. Prof., Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro, Nikšić, Montenegro

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Tepavčević M. Academic Discourse of the Sociological Studies in the Texts by Its Former Head Editor. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 7. P. 30-36


This article aims at drawing attention to the reflexivity of the Russian academic discourse, which is primarily conditioned by the authors’ cultural tradition, but also by the particular features of the genre in which it is articulated. By analyzing certain elements of the discursive reflexivity in the academic articles written in Russian, it is possible to reach a conclusion about the extent of its presence in the Russian language, about the manners in which it is used in the analyzed texts, as well as about the stylistic preferences of the Russian-speaking authors.

academic discourse; journal Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya; academic texts; discursive reflexivity; cultural conditioning; sociology


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Content No 7, 2019