Secondary Employment in the Context of Precarization on the Russian Labor Market

Secondary Employment in the Context of Precarization on the Russian Labor Market

Kuchenkova A.V.

Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Senior Lecturer, Russian State University for the Humanities, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project No. 18-18-00024.

For citation:

Kuchenkova A.V. Secondary Employment in the Context of Precarization on the Russian Labor Market. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 9. P. 73-83


The article examines peculiarities of the secondary employment at the present stage of Russian labor market development. The motives of secondary employment are revealed: money (the desire for additional income, its stability) and others (self-realization, obtaining new knowledge and skills, search for new acquaintances and connections, insurance in case of loss of the first job, ensuring stability). The paper characterizes proportion of workers, involved in secondary employment, according to official statistics and sociological surveys. On the basis of an all-Russian survey of the working population the article presents a comparison of working conditions, material well-being, social attitudes of three groups of workers: those with regular secondary employment, with occasional secondary employment and those, who do not have it. It is demonstrated that secondary employment is associated with less protected and stable position, worse terms of employment, worse subjective financial well-being (despite the lack of significant differences in the actual total income); dissatisfaction with work, working conditions and life in general; confidence in the future and lack of fear of losing their jobs. At the same time secondary employment does not give satisfaction in the labor sphere of life and does not lead to an increase in subjective wellbeing. It keeps for employees the role of the instrument of adjustment and adaptation to a situation of insecurity, instability of income and employment.

secondary employment; additional employment; second job; occasional employment; precarization; Russian labor market


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Content No 9, 2019