Sociology and Jurisprudence (Based on Nikolay I. Kareev's Manuscript “The General Methodology of the Humanities”)
Мalinov А.В.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Saint Petersburg state University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Moscow, Russia
Dolgova E.A.
Cand. Sci (Hist.), Assoc. Prof. Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia
This article has been prepared with financial support from of the Russian Foundation for the Basic Research (RFBF), project No. 19-09-00109\19.
Мalinov А.В., Dolgova E.A. Sociology and Jurisprudence (Based on Nikolay I. Kareev's Manuscript “The General Methodology of the Humanities”). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 8. P. 120-129
This article and published herein archival documents popularize unpublished work by Russian sociologist and historian Nikolay I. Kareev “General methodology of the Humanities”. His text was written at the turn of the 1910–1920s, it was not published (due to censorship restrictions) and was found as an autograph in Kareev’s personal fund in the Department of manuscripts in Russian State Library. The introduction reveals the connection of the published excerpt and Kareev’s ideas in his early (“Introduction to the Study of Sociology”, 1897) and synchronous (“General Foundations of Sociology”, 1919) works. The intellectual context of the monograph writing, Kareev’s dialogue with the ideas of his contemporaries, is established. The published fragment consistently examines relationship of sociology with political economy, state studies, law, and psychology. It is concluded that the synthesizing or integrating function that Kareev assigned to sociology dictated a broad, generalizing view of social phenomena, though partially blurred the disciplinary boundaries.
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