Russian Society and Linguistic Considerations

Russian Society and Linguistic Considerations

Schulz V.L.

Dr, Sci. (Philos.), Correspondent Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Depatment Head, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Liubimova Т.М.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Moscow, Russia

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For citation:

Schulz V.L., Liubimova Т.М. Russian Society and Linguistic Considerations. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 2. P. 130-139


The article analyzes social reasons (particularly, polarization and radicalization in the society) for the degradation of modern Russian language; it also sets forth different forms of verbal aggression (obscenities, invective) as the language phenomena that bear the information about the life of the society. Radicalization of the children’s speech in the native language environment is considered as one feature of the linguistic situation in contemporary Russia; the article also considers linguistic safety of a person, society and state, points out that linguistic threat comes from logo sphere that surrounds Russian-speakers today and covers a great part of social space that incorporates false constructs, simulacra, reverse frames, political myths. Phenomenon of the discordance between Russia and the West is shown as a dialogue between civilizations that failed, being based on unequal political structures and social mechanisms of the two types. Also, the article analyzes one of the components of this phenomenon, i.e., phenomenology of contemporary Russian protest as compared to the Western one.

Society polarization; society radicalization; intercultural communication; social protest; invective; obscenity; linguistic worldview; language devaluation; verbal aggression; linguistic safety; intralinguistic discordance.
Content No 2, 2021