А Life in Social Theory (Interview with Stephen Park Turner)

А Life in Social Theory (Interview with Stephen Park Turner)

Mitupova S.A.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Lecturer of the RANEPA, Moscow, Russia; visiting researcher at the Philosophy Department, University of South Florida, USA mitupova-sa@ranepa.ru

Turner S.P.

Distinguished Professor of philosophy and sociology of Department of Philosophy of the University of South Florida, USA turner@usf.edu

ID of the Article:

Rubric: Interview

For citation:

Mitupova S.A., Turner S.P. А Life in Social Theory (Interview with Stephen Park Turner). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 5. P. 141-150


A conversation with Stephen Turner, Distinguished Professor of the Department of Philosophy at the University of South Florida, USA, took place in April 2024 in his office at the university in Tampa. Professor Turner’s scientific interests in the field of philosophy of science, history of sociology allowed him to give a deep analysis and his vision of the fundamental problems of sociology, philosophy, social education, history of American sociology and its place in the global sociological community. The interview highlights the challenges within the American scientific system, sociology’s role in social sciences, and the methodologies and concerns of philosophy in examining modern existence. It uncovers the perspectives of the American sociologist on the importance of an expansive view of sociology that encompasses the social philosophies of non-Western cultures in the lexicon of worldwide sociological research.

American sociology; philosophy and sociology; sociological education; social philosophy


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Content No 5, 2024