Sociological Theories of Everyday Life as a Tool for Researching Silence Practices

Sociological Theories of Everyday Life as a Tool for Researching Silence Practices

Spirkina A.K.

Senior Assistant, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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Rubric: First steps

For citation:

Spirkina A.K. Sociological Theories of Everyday Life as a Tool for Researching Silence Practices. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 6. P. 133-143


The article reveals heuristic possibilities and analyzes the results of applying the conceptual apparatus of the sociology of everyday life to understanding the practices of silence. Sociological theories of everyday life are presented in the article by the concepts of social phenomenology of A. Schutz, dramaturgy and frame analysis of E. Goffman and an ethnomethodological approach, which includes both the ethnomethodology of H. Garfinkel, and conversation analysis, the founders of which are considered to be H. Sacks and E. Schegloff. Thus, the subject of the article is a wide range of concepts united by a qualitative research paradigm. This choice is justified by the high adaptability of this set of theories to the analysis of observed and «sounding» silence as a real phenomenon given us in the direct human experience. Used in everyday social life, silence is included in the processes of the everyday world thus becoming a part of the (re)production mechanism at the micro level social order.

silence; social practice; sociology of everyday life; ethnomethodology; frame analysis; A. Schutz; E. Goffman; H. Garfinkel; conversation analysis


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Content No 6, 2024