Developmental Trends of Military Sociology in Russia (based on the analysis of publications in Sociological Studies for 2014–2023)

Developmental Trends of Military Sociology in Russia (based on the analysis of publications in Sociological Studies for 2014–2023)

Karlova E.N.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Researcher of Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin», Voronezh, Russia

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For citation:

Karlova E.N. Developmental Trends of Military Sociology in Russia (based on the analysis of publications in Sociological Studies for 2014–2023). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 7. P. 87-97


The article presents an analysis of the state and prospects of military sociology in Russia, reflected in Sociological Studies for the period 2014–2023. The article is a logical continuation of the previously begun work on the analysis of military sociology institutionalization in Russia for the period 1974–2013. Thus, the results of the 50-year activity of the journal’s editorial board on the support and development of military sociology in Russia are summarized. Based on the thematic content analysis of publications and an analysis of quantitative and qualitative authorship characteristics, conclusions are drawn about a decrease in the number of studies of army problems in the last ten years, an increase in the number of materials on historical issues and prospects for the formation of the sociology of war as a new field of interdisciplinary knowledge. The authorship is being transformed to wards expanding regional and international diversity, reducing the number of authors representing the military department. Such problematic issues of military sociology development as the closed nature of research results in the military and the narrowing of traditional military sociological issues are stated. The potential of military sociology in the study of wars and armed conflicts remains unrealized, finding expression in the coverage of peripheral topics.

military sociology; Sociological Studies; publications; sociology of the army; sociology of war


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Content No 7, 2024