Russians Between Futuroshock and Futuroeuphoria (perception of the future in the context of ideological preferences)

Russians Between Futuroshock and Futuroeuphoria (perception of the future in the context of ideological preferences)

Latov Yu.V.

Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Cand.Sci. (Econ.), Chief Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Center of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

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Latov Yu.V. Russians Between Futuroshock and Futuroeuphoria (perception of the future in the context of ideological preferences). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 12. P. 88-101


Based on representative data of all- Russian surveys of the the Russian Academy of  Sciences Institute of Sociology of the Federal Research Center in the 2000–2020s the paper reveals  dynamics of indicators characterizing the prevalence of fear of the future (futuroshock) and the opposite  confidence in a good future (futuroeuphoria), while also testing hypotheses about the relationship of  these feelings with ideological preferences. Empirical data show that the problem of fear for the future,  though not acute (this fear is inherent in about a quarter of Russians in the 2020s), but it definitely exists.  The most alarming sign is growing fear of an uncertain future over the past decade. In addition, as  analysis based on data for 2023 showed, the prevalence of futuro- shock and futuro- euphoric feelings  is markedly related to adherence to different ideologies. Supporters of conservatism and sovereignty  often show confidence in the future, but less often fear and despair of it, while adherents of socialist  and Russian- nationalist values  do the opposite. The gaps formed are not too large (no more than 10  percentage points), but are comparable to those gaps in the corresponding indicators that are formed  under the influence of settlement differences.

sociology of the image of the future; futuroshock; futuroeuphoria; Russia; ideology; social differentiation


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Content No 12, 2024