Universe of Russia against Russian mir

Universe of Russia against Russian mir

Inozemtzev V.L.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Director of the Center for Research on Post-Industrial Society, Moscow, Russia. slava_in@yahoo.com

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For citation:

Inozemtzev V.L. Universe of Russia against Russian mir. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 5. P. 150-155


The paper analyzes the concept of ‘Russian mir’ built on image of Russians as a largest ’divided nation’. Fallacy of ideas of a special role of Russia both in the post-Soviet territories and in the whole world is argued for. Success of intellectual Russian emigration in the West is stated and, at the same time, cooperation with Russian Diaspora in CIS countries is criticized in context of political and ideological interaction. It is suggested to intensify politics of openness versus Russian intellectual Diaspora combined with curbing support for “professional Russians’.

countrymen abroad; responsible politics; cooperation; emigrants’ professionalism; successfulness; professional Russians
Content No 5, 2015