First steps in Internet

First steps in Internet

Pecherskaya E.G.

Institute of management systems, State economic university, Samara. Russia

Zvonovskiy V.B.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof. of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia.

Merkulova D.Yu.

Social research foundation

Pleshakov V.A.

State pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia

Matskevich M.G.

Sociological Institute, St.-Petersburg, Russia

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For citation:

Pecherskaya E.G., Zvonovskiy V.B., Merkulova D.Yu., Pleshakov V.A., Matskevich M.G. First steps in Internet. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 12. P. 74-80


Data of a study related to Internet mastering by children are presented including shares of internet-users among different age-groups of children, frequency of their switchingin, place of internet in the structure of their leisure activities, repertoire of their internet activities. Analyzed were also assessments by parents of internet influence on psychical and physical health and cultural development of children involved.

on-line practices; off-line practices; internet-activities; internet influence on children; children web-surfing
Content No 12, 2014