Patriotism as a value of contemporary Kazakhstan students

Patriotism as a value of contemporary Kazakhstan students

Biekenov K.U.

Dr. Sci. (Soc.),Prof., Department of Sociology and Social Work, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Biyekenova N.Zh.

Institute for Philosophy, Political Sciences and Religion Studies of Committee Science of the Ministry of Education and Science оf the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

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For citation:

Biekenov K.U., Biyekenova N.Zh. Patriotism as a value of contemporary Kazakhstan students. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 7. P. 140-144


The article focuses on the understanding of university students’ patriotism under present conditions in Kazakhstan. The authors show that success of social, economic and political reforms in the country depends as well on patriotic consciousness of the young. An important direction of the state and non-governmental organizations activities should be attributed to security, further consolidation of the Kazakhstan society, increasing level of patriotic thinking of students, formation of their understanding that patriotism means responsibility for oneself and one’s family, for Motherland. Pragmatism consists of the mutual responsibilities of the state and citizens. A significant role in this process plays higher education because during the university studies essential features of individuals are formed; universities bring up future elite of society. According to the results of the sociological research in 2013 authors identify patriotism as significant element in values system of Kazakhstan students, their patriotic orientation, representing the contribution to the implementation of duty to Motherland, a decent service to the country in socially important sectors.

Kazakhstan students; values; patriotism; culture; responsibility
Content No 7, 2016