Gallup International global polls: the ways world media interpret global opinion research results

Gallup International global polls:
the ways world media interpret global opinion research results

Milekhin A.V.

SP RAS, Romir Research Holding, Gallup International/WIN, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article:

For citation:

Milekhin A.V. Gallup International global polls: the ways world media interpret global opinion research results. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 11. P. 54-60


The article considers the problem of global public opinion data collection via global surveys conducted by Gallup International/WIN association simultaneously in several countries. The q uestion of global survey r esults interpretation is considered from both researchers’ and the global media’s point of view. The article looks at various classification types and calculation methods that can be used in research in order to obtain certain nuances and angles on the study. The question of expediency of macro region global samples, ones that consider different weights of a country in the total sample for the sake of obtaining more precise data, is also raised. The article discusses possibility of developing additional classifiers based on the principles of geography, history, culture, religious beliefs for the sake of a fully comprehensive approach to research. According to author, our changing world permits no longer to calculate results of joint global studies without any consideration for the weight of a participating country’s total population. Attempts to create macro regions solely on a geographical basis seem inadequate these days. The simplified approach to analysis in global research basically reduces studies to mere “voting polls” hindering attempt to really try and get the entire planet’s actual public opinion on an issue, the latter objective requiring a global representative sample. Unfortunately, the world’s mass media gladly use such simplified and predictable data which in turn result in an effect quite opposite to the idea initially conceived by the creators of global public opinion surveys, people like George Gallup and his colleagues. Via global public opinion polling, those researchers hoped to warn world leaders against making new mistakes, against future wars and conflicts. Today media using just the very top layer of global poll results, use the latter for propaganda.

Gallup International; global survey; public opinion; global poll; regional classification; country weight; global samples
Content No 11, 2016