Youth and ageing in traditional Russian culture (re. I.A. Grigorieva et al. book: Elderly people in contemporary Russia: between employment, education, and health)

Youth and ageing in traditional Russian culture (re. I.A. Grigorieva et al. book:
Elderly people in contemporary Russia:
between employment, education, and health)

Bocharov V.V.

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Prof., St.-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia Петербургского

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For citation:

Bocharov V.V. Youth and ageing in traditional Russian culture (re. I.A. Grigorieva et al. book: Elderly people in contemporary Russia: between employment, education, and health). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 1. P. 159-163


In article the problem of elderly in modern Russia is considered. The author is polemizing with authors of the book: “Elderly in modern Russia: between employment, education and health” (SPb.: Aliteya, 2015) proves that the relation to elderly in modern Russia is caused first of all by Russian traditional culture.

age; old age; the youth; traditional culture; modern society; Russia


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Content No 1, 2017