Face of treason (collaborationists in Kursk region, 1941–1943)

Face of treason (collaborationists in Kursk region, 1941–1943)

Bogdanov S.V.

Dr. Sci (Hist.), Prof., Belgorod State National Research University, National Research Technological University “MISiS”, Belgorod, Russia dr.bogdanov_sv@mail.ru

Ostapyuk V.G.

Cand. Sci. (law), Assoc. Prof., Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia ostapyuk@bsu.edu.ru

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For citation:

Bogdanov S.V., Ostapyuk V.G. Face of treason (collaborationists in Kursk region, 1941–1943). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 3. P. 115-122


The article is devoted to voluntary cooperation (active collaborationism) of individual Soviet citizens with the German occupation authorities during World War II. The paper used the method of quantitative analysis of a large array of previously inaccessible to the scientific community historical material. The article is based on declassified materials extracted from the archives of the territorial bodies of the Russian Federation State Security. The territorial boundaries of the study – Kursk region temporarily occupied by German troops and their allies. The article provides statistical information about the repressive activities of the KGB in relation to this category of offenders who have committed crimes in the territory of Kursk region. On the basis of introduced into scientific circulation documents quantitative and social composition of the organs of civil servants collaborationist control are discussed. We analyze the age structure and socio-professional affiliation of mayors, city of mayors, town council employees, agricultural district elders and village chiefs. Principles of operation of collaborationist organs of civil administration in the occupied territory are identified as well as number of collaborators, features of the age and social structure of Russian auxiliary police, formed by German occupiers on the territory of this region. On the basis of captured documents and archival materials of criminal investigations by the subsequent territorial bodies of the KGB in relation to this category of offenders, we traced the motivation of that part of Soviet citizens under occupation by Nazi Germany. Conclusions call into question simplified representation of the traitors of the motherland as representatives of mainly criminal environment, victims of the socialist modernization drive of the prewar decades.

collaboration; treason; Kursk region; Russian Auxiliary Police; the German “new order”; the public security organs


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Content No 3, 2017