Revolution and counterrevolution in Russia (Centennary of the October)

Revolution and counterrevolution in Russia (Centennary of the October)

Kolbanovsky V.V.

Cand. Sci. (Philos.).

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Kolbanovsky V.V. Revolution and counterrevolution in Russia (Centennary of the October). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 1. P. 19-30


The paper offers a sociological evaluation of the October 1917 revolution place in world-historical process as a not bourgeois and not socialist, but the people’s democratic revolution of workers and peasants against imperialist wars, capitalist enslavement and the national-colonial oppression. It was the greatest revolution in the history of the liberation, which also carried the beginnings of totalitarianism. October as a sociological phenomenon is incredibly complex, ambivalent and contradictory, because it is constantly opposed by humane, emancipatory beginning and “Jacobin” – ruthless and enslaving one. October 1917 is one of the general lines of world history – its bifurcation point, which opens a new path of social evolution. October is woven of mutually exclusive contradictions, and so today, a hundred years later, it is subject to legitimate criticism. And it is as great a revolution, as the French one.

sociological reality; probabilistic determinism; centaur; polisistem; politaria; antinomy


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Content No 1, 2018