Gender aspects of sexual exploitation of the humans
Alikhadzhieva I.S.
Cand. Sri. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Chair of Criminal Procedure Law and Criminalistics, All-Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, Russia
Alikhadzhieva I.S. Gender aspects of sexual exploitation of the humans. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 8. P. 134-142
In article results from an author's sociological study about the population attitude to prostitution as to a most common form of sexual exploitation persons rendering commercial sexual services are analyzed. Being based on the Russian sociological and criminological sources, materials of the carried-out questioning, the author comes to a conclusion that the gender stereotypic attitudes in public consciousness of Russians supported by traditions of gender discrimination are one of the factors producing deviant sexual behavior, criminal violence, and having independent victimologic properties. The list of the specified factors in modern society is formulated: introduction in public consciousness by mass media of attitudes to normalization of prostitution; voluntariness of women's prostitution and «guild) of the female victim of sexual exploitation; public opinion and influence of social moods; influence of the mass media cultivating traditional female roles in the Russian society; gender stereotypes in mass consciousness with accurate identification of participants of the sphere of commercial sex on the basis of sex; viability of stereotypic ideas of a high men's sexual potentiality as standard of courage and sexual hyper-requirements. On the basis of application of qualitative methodology their substantial characteristic is offered. The conclusion is drawn that the traditional gender stereotypes connected to gender as a factor of formation of social roles, need assessment to decrease indicators of mass distribution about prostitution as the social phenomenon, risk of involvement in deviant sexual practices and sexual abuses.
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