Social Statistics in Sociological Education

Social Statistics in Sociological Education

Zyryanov V.V.

Cand. Sci. (Econ), Assoc. Prof., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

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For citation:

Zyryanov V.V. Social Statistics in Sociological Education. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 2. P. 129-141


Acquaintance with the content of the educational plans of 86 universities of the Russian Federation, implementing programs for training bachelors in sociology, showed that in recent years there has been a partial squeezing out from the educational process of the “social statistics” course. Formally, this led to a gap between the competencies declared in the educational standard, based on the study of social statistics, and its absence in 62% of educational programs. In fact – to a noticeable discrepancy between the content of education and the requirements for graduates preparing to work in a digital society. In addition, this explains the criticism of high school graduates regarding their low statistical literacy. Finally, this trend reinforces a weak ability of broad strata of the population to adequately and critically perceive statistical data, which abound in the information flows of modern media and social networks.

sociological education; competencies; social statistics; mathematical statistics; statistical literacy; digital society
Content No 2, 2022