A Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior: on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization

A Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior:
on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization

Chirkova A.V.

Post-graduate Student, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia chircovaanna@gmail.com

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Rubric: First steps

For citation:

Chirkova A.V. A Typological Analysis of Young People Health Behavior: on Specifics of the Four-Component Model Realization. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 5. P. 145-153


The article deals with the methodical problems of the four-component model realization of the typological analysis of young people on health behavior. Methodical solutions are proposed for the formation of a system of classification characteristics in the form of logical indices that allow for multidimensional classifications. The procedure for imputation of missing data that occurs when using the proposed indices for the purpose of young people typologization is described. The results of a comparative analysis of cluster profiles for three age groups among young people are presented. The conclusion is substantiated that the heuristic potential of indicators of health behavior as basic typeforming attributes in these groups is differentiated

typological analysis; type-forming attribute; health behavior; classification characteristic; basis for typology; missing data; the stability of the cluster structure


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Content No 5, 2023