Subjective Well-Being and Standard of Living in the Kaliningrad Region

Subjective Well-Being and Standard of Living in the Kaliningrad Region

Zotova M.V.

Cand. Sci. (Geography), Senior Researcher, Institute of Geography of RAS; Assoc. Prof., HSE University, Moscow, Russia

Zinovyev A.S.

Senior lecturer, St.-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

ID of the Article:

The article was prepared with the support of RFBR project No. 20-05-00697, State Assignment IG RAS No. АААА-А19-119022190170-1 (FMGE‑2019-0008)

For citation:

Zotova M.V., Zinovyev A.S. Subjective Well-Being and Standard of Living in the Kaliningrad Region. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 2. P. 48-61


The article provides a conjugated analysis of an objectified picture of the living conditions and subjective well-being of the population in the Kaliningrad region as one of the Russian border regions, characterized by the strengthening of the role of the border as a dividing marker against the background of intense cross-­border interactions in the recent past. The study is based on a comparison of the socio-­economic indicators of the neighboring border regions of Russia, Poland, and Lithuania with quantitative (representative survey) and qualitative sociological data (focus groups and semi-structured interviews) obtained by the authors in Kaliningrad region in 2020–2022. It is shown that subjective well-being and perception of the quality of life, as well as a comparison of one’s own standard of living with that achieved in neighboring Poland and Lithuania, are determined by the socio-­economic polarization of the region and the heterogeneity of the Kaliningrad society, including differences in lifestyle, mobility, and activity of residents. An imbalance between the relative material well-being of the inhabitants of the exclave against the background of other Russian regions and their poor social well-being caused by an unfavorable comparison of themselves with neighboring EU countries was revealed. Differences across the border are assessed primarily through the prism of general admiration for Europe, envy of goods and comfort, although most respondents are not familiar with the realities of life on the other side of the border. At the same time, the main referents of unfavorable comparisons are not only neighbors, but also the most wealthy and successful groups of the population.

quality of life; cross-­border comparisons; perception of neighbors; subjective wellbeing; Kaliningrad region; Lithuania; Poland


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Content No 2, 2024