Information for Contributors

“Sociological Studies” journal considers for publication papers, including translations and original materials from sociological heritage, reviews of scientific conferences, book-reviews and other materials. The editorial office reviews only the manuscripts which are not earlier published in printed or electronic form. All manuscripts undergo reviewing and editing. At all stages of preparation of the manuscript for print scientific editor interacts with the author.

Editors reserve the right to reject, reduce and edit articles. Editors’ alterations are subject to author’s endorsement as stipulated in advance.

All articles are published on a free basis irrespective of authors’ status. Postgraduate and student's works require obligatory review of them from the research supervisor. No fees are paid.

The published materials might not reflect the point of view of founders, editorial board and editiorial staff.

From registration of the manuscript in the editorial offices to its publication time interval is no less than six months due to technological process of the journal editing. 

All rights for the materials published in the journal belong to editors and authors. Publications in the journal can not be reproduced in any form in other editions without written permission of editorial office.

Full text versions of articles published in the journal are exposed to free access on the website of the journal ( three months after releasing the printed version.

On the arising questions please address editorial office by phone: +7 (499) 128-84-39 or by e-mail:

Obligations of authors

Transferring the manuscript to editors, authors undertake not to publish it in any other edition without written consent of the editors.

Authors guarantee that the results of research stated in the submitted manuscript are obtained as an effort of personal research work, are not borrowed, are not plagiarism, rephrasing, appropriation of results by others scholars.

Authors bear responsibility for selection and reliability of the given facts, quotations, statistical and sociological data, proper names, place names and other data.

As for coauthors of article, it is necessary to specify the persons who made essential contribution to carrying out a study. Presence among authors of the persons who did not make intellectual contribution to the study violates copyright and ethics regulations.

The author is obliged to specify sources of all cited in article figures and other information. Excessive self-citing and friendly citing, irrelevant references are interpreted as a fraud.

If the author notices substantial mistakes or inaccuracies in the paper at a stage of its reviewing or after its publication, he/she shall notify editorial office of the journal as soon as possible. In that case we publish specifying information in the next number.





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