Requirements to the manuscripts

Each manuscript is submitted in two formats: 1) text in electronic form accessible to editing; 2) the same text in paper form – three copies. Reviews and texts for the section "Academic Events" in one printed copy.

The manuscripts reaching editorial office only by e-mail are neither registered nor considered.

The manuscript size as presented to editors is limited for sections as follows:

Papers – no more than 1 printed sheet - p.s. (40 thousand characters with spaces).

 "Facts. Comments. Notes", "First steps", "Reflections on ae new book" - no more than 0,5 p/s. (20 thousand letters).

 "Book reviews" - no more than 0,4 p.s. (10-15 thousand letters).

 "Scientific life" - to 0,3 p.s. (10-12 thousand letters).

Excess of size may be a basis for rejecting the paper.

Manuscripts have to be posted by e-mail ( in the *.doc format (Word for Windows, with formatting of the text on width, the 14th size through 1,5 interval) and to post (simple mailing) / to bring printing versions (3 copies) to the address of the editorial office (Moscow, Krzhizhanovsky St., 24/35, kor.5, room 309). Pages of the manuscript must be  numbered.

Reviews of conferences and other academic events should be sent no later than three months after the moment they took place. The text should contain information on conference’s organizers,  place and date of the event. For all mentioned participants there are to be entered their names and surnames, and in brackets the place of work and the city, for participants of the international conferences - also their home countries. Main attention should be paid to contents of reports, talks that develop and enrich sociology. The  review can not come down to simple enumeration of the reports delivered.

In book reviews, please, indicate full data of the discussed book, including publishing house and number of pages. It is desirable to submit ot editors the reviewed book (or its electronic version). The review should not re-tell book contents; it  rather offers an analysis of those ideas (provisions, reasonings) which contain new (or specification of new) knowledge, and also polemics with the reasoned arguing of the debatable aspects. The main grounds for reject review for publication — retelling of contents without any analysis, discrepancy of a subject of the book under review with thematic field of the journal, and also the choice for the review of texts that appeared long ago. Thus, in 2017 reviews of 2015-2017 editions might be published.

By tradition the journal accepts essays or polemic notes written in free style which are published under headings "Sociological Journalism", "Discussion. Polemics", "Letter to editors".

The magazine publishes translations and materials in the section "Sociological Heritage". We recommend to choose for the publication here articles and sources up to 40.000 signs. It is feasible to make excerpts for the journal publication if a source is of bigger size. The translator has to settle the copy-right issues for the publication with the publisher of the original. It is desirable to accompany the translation or archival materials with a preface. Publisher’s or translator’s comment is provided in a format of end-notes.

The text of the manuscript has to be brought by the author into accord with stylistic, spelling, syntactic norms.

Recommendations on describing research techniques

In the manuscript containing description of results of empirical sociological research, techniques of research have to be presented (i.a. when using data of other research centers and organizations).

Data on a technique of research should be stated in one of the versions:

  • a special section (paragraph) in article (but not in the summary);
  • directly in the text;
  • in footnotes;
  • in the note to article.

These data shall include following information:

  • The name of the organization conducting research.
  • Dates of research (field work).
  • Information sources used, empirical base of research.
  • Structure the unniverse
  • Type (kind) of sampling, its size (number of respondents, the interviewees, participants in focus groups, etc.), data on sample repair. Sample error.
  • Description of data collection methods (questioning, interviewing, observation, experiment, content analysis e.a.).
  • Description of methods of data analysis. When using coefficients of correlation to specify statistical error, when using the factorial analysis - percent of the explained dispersion.
  • Authorship of methodical tools (fully or partially author's, use of practices of colleagues).
  • Specifying  information accuracy of questions, and also their forms (opened, closed, half-closed and so forth).
  • Summary of positive and negative methodical experience: approbation of methodical tools, complexity in implementing of initial plans, the found-out imperfections of tools, emergency situations of organizational and methodical nature.

When presenting tables, it is necessary to specify whether percents were counted from number of those who answered the question or from the universe; along with the indicating percents it is important to specify total number of sampled units.

Technical requirements to manuscript

Editors accept manuscripts to 40 thousand characters with spaces (including summary, key words in Russian, and also a block in English).

At the beginning of the manuscript after the name of article it is necessary to specify in the italics: information about the author (authors): First name, middle initial, last name (completely), academic degree and academic status, name of a place of employment, position, contact telephone number, e-mail address, city; the summary and the list of key words (no more than 10) in Russian. For short reviews and materials in the sections "Book Review", "Academic Events" summary and keywords are not required. After the main text of article the list of references, the block in English (see structure of article), drawings are given.

The summary – containing main ideas and results - shall reflect contents of article and results of research; has to be structured (following logics of the description of results in article); amounting to 100–200 words. It is not necessary to repeat literally in article what is already said in the summary.

Notes in article are given in form of paginal footnotes. In some cases it is possible to use endnotes (in case of their large number and size of the text, ahead of list of references). Information on sources of financing is specified in a footnote on the first page without numbering. Only the short name of fund (program) and number of a grant are indicated. We do not publish titles of grants. If necessary, thanks are given in a footnote or on the first page next to reference of grant, or in the final part of article.

"Blind" (unstructured) articles are not acceptable, they need to be divided into reasoned parts. The text shall contain problem definition, description of methodology and techniques (if it is results of an empirical study), main results and conclusions. Structure will be marked as follows: parts — bold font / lower case — separately (without point at the end of heading); paragraphs – bold font / lower case (at the beginning of the paragraph with a point the text further in matching to heading), subparagraphs — bold font / lower case italics.

English-language part of article is obligatory for submitting the manuscript, it is located at the end of article and comprises following structural elements: 

name of article;

Author(s) Full Name;

affiliation (organization, country);

author's reference – name, surname (in Latin in such order), rank,  position, place of employment (if several places, indicate everyone), academy, city, country, email in brackets;

information on sources of financing (Acknowledgements);

- abstract - the summary shall be expanded (literal translation of the Russian-language summary is inadmissible), reflecting main contents of article and results of research; written in literate English using special scientific terminology; compact, but not short (within 200-250 words);

- key words (through a comma no more than 10 words)

- references - the list of references in English. It is built in alphabetical order (differing from Russian-language sequence). Its shape see: Standard of bibliographic references

Authors have to specify sources cited in article, statistical data and other information; abbreviations should be explained. When quoting a source, specify in square brackets surname of the author, year of the edition and the page. The list of the used literature is given at the end of article in alphabetical order without numbering. First are publications in Russian, further on – in foreign languages. Tables are inserted into the text of paper after respective reference to them (when making a tabke, please, follow the practices of the journal). Drawings should be given at the end of article (after the English-speaking block), at the request of the editor after adoption of the manuscript for the publication it is necessary to send drawings as a separate file in .pdf.

Making of the bibliographic section of article

The list of the used sources is arranged in the form of the bibliography in alphabetical order (Russian-language literature in the beginning). As a must, the range of pages of article in the paper or in a collection has to be indicated. When citing, page from a source shall be given. If the article’s DOI is available, it is necessary to specify the assigned number. When the list of references contains works of one author issued in the same year it is necessary to add letter reference after the year of release. Do not specify total number of a monograph’s pages.

In the list of references it is necessary to enter only scientific publications. References to normative documents, newspaper articles, Internet pages are given in paginal notes with indication of date of the access.

Bibliographic descriptions of editions are arranged according to the below samples

Monographs, books:

Bourdieu Р. Аn Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Alexander J.C., Sztompka P. (eds). Rethinking Progress: Movements, Forces and Ideas of the End of the 20th Century. London: Routledge, 1990.

Articles in collections:

Sorokin P., Merton R. Social Time: A Methodological and Functional Analysis // The Sociology of Time/ Еd. by J. Hassard. New York: St.Martin’s Press, 1990. P. 56-66.

Monographs and edited collections:

Rootes C. (ed.) Environmental Movements: Local, National and Global. London and Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass, 1999.

Standard of bibliographic references

In the text of article, when referring to the source, do not to use numbering. Please, indicate in square brackets author’s surname (no initials) and year of the edition through a comma. When giving reference to concrete page(s) in the text in article or when citing, specify the page(s) through a colon. Not to use abbreviations – p. Or ss. If at a source has two authors - specify surnames without initials through a comma; if more than two, indicate the first one and then e.a.

If bibliographic reference has no author(s) (collective monograph, collection, document etc.) title or the work or editor(s) should be given. If the title is short (one-two words), enter it entirely; if it is long, write the first 1-2 words and then put dots, then a comma and year of edition.

In case the reference is to literature in foreign language – the surname or the title are written in source language. If there are some authors (editors), write the first surname and put et al.

If the author makes reference to several sources in the text of article, they should be given as described above, through a semicolon. For example: "… it is presented to interpretation of actions of the central authorities and the attitude towards them by A. Irvin and B. Vynn's works [Irwin, 2001; Irwin, Wynne, 1996]".

If at one author features two or several works which are included in the list of references, and the reference is given to them, make it as follows: [Shabanova, 2010b; Salmenniemi, 2007a; 2008].

If in the text of article the author points to a number of works and makes references to them, then do the following; (see, e.g.: [Budgets …, 1927; Kabo, 1928]). Or: (see: [Historical researches, 1996: 238-277, etc.]).

If an article refers to electronic source form, make it out as required above. Authors should know that there is no need to refer to the electronic document, if its printed version exists. In works of the academic character it is more acceptable to quote printed editions. At citing an electronic link it is desirable to specify authorship (if any), the name of the document (article, etc.) in the list of references/ Before the reference please put the URL. The e-mail address and date of the accessing the document are given always. Date of the accessing the document is the date when the person making the reference opened this document, and this document was available. It is given in brackets. For example:

Interethnic concord in a regional context [An electronic resource]. Coll. of sci. papers / Head of project and resp.editor. L.M. Drobizheva. M.: Institute of sociology of RAS, 2015.

Declaration of the principles of tolerance. 1995. November 16. URL: (date of the accessing: 7/25/2015).

Form of the bibliographic section of article in the English block (references) differs from Russian-speaking a little:

- Year of the edition is taken out after a surname in parentheses.

- The sign // is not used, and the name of the magazine or the monograph is given in the italics. Authors and the editor straight, not in italics, as in the Russian-language list.

- In case article is printed in a collection or in a monograph, it is is specified by “In:” instead of  "//" 

- In translation of Russian-language article use that translation which is given in the journal. The transliteration of names unnecessary:

Gofman A.B. (2015) Conceptual approaches to analysis of socal unity. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological studies]. No. 11: 29-36. (In Russ.)

- Be sure to note in parentheses in what language the source originates (In Russ.), if in English, no need to specify.

- Date of the access to a source in electronic publications is written in parentheses in English (accessed 12.12.16).

Bocharov V.V. (2001) Anthropology of Age. Saint-Petersburg: St.-Petersburg Univ. Press. (In Russ.).

Drobizheva L.M., ed. (2013) Civic, Ethnic and Regional Identity: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Moscow: Rossijskaya politicheskaya ehnciklopediya. (In Russ.)

Inglehart R. (1997) Postmodern: changing values and changing societies. POLIS. Politicheskie issledovaniya [POLIS. Political Studies]. No. 4. P. 6–32. (In Russ.)

Mead G.H. (1934) Mind, Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Pokrovskiy N.E. (2011) "The patient refused hospitalization," or in defense of sociology]. In: Sociologicheskij ezhegodnik 2011. [Sociological Yearbook 2011]. Vol. 3. Moscow: INION RAN: 45-47. (In Russ.)

Sorokin P. (2016) ‘Global sociology’ in different disciplinary practices: Current conditions, problems and perspectives. Current Sociology. Vol. 64. No. 1: 41-59.

Tajfel H., Turner J.С. (1986) The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior. In: Worchel S., Austin W.G. (eds) Psychology of Intergroup Relations. Chicago: Nelson-Hall: 7–24.

Tishkov V.A. (2013) Russian People: History and Meaning of National Identity. Moscow: Nauka. (In Russ.)

(!) If in an article there are few Russian-langague sources (1 to 5), the list of references is united under headline: LIST OF REFERENCES [REFERENCES]

Example of the joint registration:

Dubin B., Zorkaya N. Reading and society in Russia of the 2000th // Sociological researches. 2009. No. 7. C. 61-77. [Dubin B., Zorkaya N. (2009) Reading and Society in Russia in 2000’s. Sociologicheskie Issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. No. 7: 61-77. (In Russ.)].

Girenok F. I. Clip consciousness. M.: Prospectus, 2016. [Girenok F.I. (2016) Clip Consciousness. Moscow: Prospekt. (In Russ.)].

 Mersiyanova I. V., Jacobson L. I. Potentsial and ways of development of philanthropy in Russia. M.: Prod. house of HSE, 2010. [Mersiyanova I.V., Yakobson L.I. (2010) The Potential and the Development of Philanthropy in Russia. Moscow: Izd. dom VSHEH (In Russ.)]



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