Reviewing and editing

Decision taking about compliance/discrepancy of paper which arrived to Editors to the profile, the concept and subject of the journal is a prerogative of editorial board and the editorial office of the journal. On the basis of reviewing, the editorial office takes final decision on the publication (or rejection) of articles. Names of reviewers are not disclosed. Editorial reviews are intended only for internal use. In case of publication’s rejection the editorial office does not get with authors into argumentation.

When reviewing arrived manuscripts the editorial board, external reviewers and editorial office are guided by following criteria:

  1. Statement of a scientific problem, its relevance from the point of view of the solution of scientific tasks which belong to a problem field and a profile of the journal.
  2. Originality, independence, novelty, interesting and/or debatable approaches.
  3. Theoretical grounding of the chosen subject.
  4. Respect for methodological and methodical culture (description of object and subject, purposes and research problems, hypotheses, methods, sampling, time of carrying out, initiators of the research, etc.).
  5. Reliability and persuasiveness of data.
  6. Use of materials of predecessors, availability of polemics with earlier published materials, including those in ‘Sociological Studies’, proceeding from the fact that the journal is a platform for discussions.
  7. Level of literary quality of the text, expressive accuracy, laconicism, symmetry and logicality of the argumentation, and also compliance to editorial requirements (see requirements for registration).

The decision on acceptance for publication is made within 2 months from the date of registrating the manuscript in editorial office. Choice of materials for the next current issue is determined by editorial plans.

Basic reasons of refusal to publish the articles:

  1. Non-conformity to subject field of the magazine. "Sociological Studies" are not a social-science magazine, therefore materials only on sociology are published. Application of methods and tool kit do not make a paper sociological one, for it might solve pedagogical, legal, psychological and other problems which do beyond competence of sociology.
  2. Absence or weakness of the scientific apparatus. Article shall contain references not only to problem’s history, but also to modern studies on the topis discussed.
  3. Excess of size in 40.000 signs and non-compliance with requirements to formatting the manuscript.
  4. Extensive repetitions in the text from earlier published works of the author.




Introducing an article

Sociological Studies
4 2019


 The article text.


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